About Me

Digital Artist & Designer

Shaping ideas into reality

From Montréal to the World.

I am a designer, artist and researcher, focused on advancing the limits of art and storytelling through cutting-edge digital tools.

I am currently pursuing a masters in Digital Design at École NAD-UQAC. My aim is to bridge creativity and technology, both in my works and in my multidisciplinary research.

I strongly believe in the creative power that emerges from connecting unique ideas, discovering new perspectives, and repurposing existing tools in unexpected ways.

About the name

What is a stereograf ?

The name ‘stereograph’ goes way back.

A stereograph (in some cases called a stereoscope) is the spiritual ancestor to the modern VR headset.

The name is composed of two parts: ‘stereo-‘ which means solid, concrete – and ‘-graph’ as in ‘photograph’, to designate a drawing or record.

To learn more: Double Takes: A Brief History of Stereographs

As opposed to the stereoscope (the optical device), a stereograph also refers simply to the double-image or left-right pair, which, conjointly, give the illusion of reality.

It is meant as a twist on the word ‘photograph’. In French, however, “photographe” designates not the object of a photograph, but the person responsible for it.

I chose to end the spelling of my pseudonym with an ambiguous ‘f’, because I wanted the name to stand both for the work, and for the person behind it.

left and above source: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/sterographs-original-virtual-reality-180964771

Essentially, a stereograf, as I would define it, is a record of the real world.

Both in the form of the trails we leave behind, and of the living-speaking-breathing humans that do.

I use what exists, but use it in a new way

Standing on the edge…

because it is frontiers that nurture innovation

… and taking off

when tools are used beyond their intended purpose, that is when we, as a public, learn about the nature of a medium, beyond a single intended message.

Embracing experimentation and subversion.​